Season Extended at Patara Beach

The influx of tourists to the world-famous beach continues

02 November 2022

The tourism season has been extended for one month at the facilities on the famous Patara Beach. It is in Antalya's Kaş district and operated by Kaş Municipality. The facilities were closed on October 31 in previous years. They were extended for one month due to the influx of tourists at Patara Beach.

 The season has been extended for one month at Patara Beach, which is intertwined with the world-famous beaches and the ancient city of Patara in the Kaş district. The 12-kilometre section of Patara Beach is among the longest beaches in the world, with a length of 18 kilometres, and is within the borders of Kaş. In the 4-kilometre section of the ancient beach in the direction of Kaş, facilities are operated by the Municipality of Kaş. These facilities had been closed for years by the Municipality of Kaş as of October 31st. However, the closure of the facilities was extended by the Municipality of Kaş until the end of November due to the lovely weather at the beginning of November this year and the continued influx of foreign tourists to the beach.


Ali Pehlivan, responsible for the facilities at Patara Beach, said, "In the past years, nearly a hundred domestic and foreign tourists came to Patara Beach every day at the end of October. Due to the nice weather and calmness this year, one thousand to 1500 people are coming to the beach. Ninety percent of those who come are Russian, British, German and Italian tourists. The beach starts to fill up after ten o'clock every day. We conveyed the situation to our Mayor of Kaş Mutlu Ulutaş. Our president also extended the closure date of the facilities until the end of November. In short, Patara is famous for its sandy beach. "The interest and influx continue to the world-famous Patara Beach, intertwined with the Ancient City. For the first time, the season is getting longer. We are all very happy for our country and ourselves."(Ahmet Acar- DHA)