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What is the local time zone in Antalya?

Antalya is in the UTC +3 Advanced Eastern European time zone, including Russia. Antalya; It is 1 hour ahead of European capitals such as Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Madrid.

Which languages are spoken in Antalya?
In Antalya, where Turkish is the native language; The number of people who speak English, German and Russian is very high. For this reason, you can communicate without problems in hotels, shopping or transportation.
What is the currency in Antalya?
The currency in Antalya is Turkey's official currency, the Turkish lira. You can easily exchange foreign currency from the exchange offices you can find in Antalya city center and its districts. It is possible to make your spending on hotels and shopping points in Euros, Dollars or Pounds.
How is the traffic flow in Antalya?
Traffic flows from the right in Antalya. Most traffic signs are on the right side of the road where drivers can see them. Also, Antalya is among the pedestrian-friendly cities with pedestrian implementation first.
How is transportation provided in Antalya?
In Antalya, city transportation is provided by public buses, taxis and trams. For bus routes and detailed information, please click here. In Antalya, inter-district transportation is provided by district minibuses located at Antalya Intercity Bus Terminal.
What is the emergency hotline number in Antalya?
You can call the 112 Emergency Call Center for any health and safety problems you are experiencing in Antalya.
How many airports are there in Antalya?
In Antalya, where there are two airports in the city and Gazipaşa district, the use of airlines is widespread. Fraport TAV Antalya Airport, which ranks 13th in Europe in terms of the number of
passengers it serves, provides transportation to tens of countries. You can reach the city center from the airport using public buses, taxis and trams.