International Alanya Triathlon

The triathlon dates back to 1978. It was first performed by the Commander of the US Navy, John Collins, on the Hawaiian Island, with a 3.9-kilometer swimming course, then a 185-kilometer bicycle race and then a marathon run on a 42,195-kilometer course. It is a sport that tests the endurance and strength of the human body. The triathlon came to Europe in 1983. It started to be held in Alanya for the first time in Turkey in 1991.

 The International Alanya Triathlon is attended by many international athletes from different countries worldwide. It is among the most respected events in the triathlon community and hosts hundreds of athletes every year.

 The International Alanya Triathlon is run as a part of the European Championship for men and women. Nearly a thousand athletes compete in the races. It consists of 1.5 km swimming, 40 km cycling and 10 km marathon races. On the last day of the organization, short-distance races are also held in various age ranges.

 Every year, in the International Alanya Triathlon, while the athletes compete fiercely to be victorious, hours of excitement and speed are experienced on the streets and beaches of Alanya. The racers try to complete the tracks with their endless energy and win the audience's admiration with their magnificent performances. They make a great effort, using their strength to win the medals and be ranked.