Turkey, became the 4th country with the highest number of tourists in the world

Turkey, hosted 50 million 450 thousand tourists in 2022

17 May 2023

The travel and tourism sector, which started to recover after the pandemic, continued to increase its upward momentum in 2022. Turkey ranked fourth among the countries hosting the most tourists in 2022.

UNWTO has released tourism data for last year, 2022. According to UNWTO data, 963 million people traveled in 2022, while the income from tourism reached 1 trillion 12 billion dollars.

While 67 percent of the tourists preferred Europe, 16 percent preferred America, 10 percent Asia, 7 percent Middle East and 5 percent Africa.

According to the country ranking, with 80 million visitors, France became the country with the highest number of tourists in 2022. Spain took the second place with 71 million 660 and the USA took the third place with 50 million 870 thousand. Turkey, on the other hand, ranked fourth among the countries of the world with 50 million 450 thousand visitors.