TAC Colleges; With its 23 years of educational experience, it teaches English at the mother tongue level starting from pre-school level and focuses on academic success in addition to the curriculum of the Ministry of National Education.
The most prominent difference of TAC Colleges from other colleges; By bringing the education standards of the world’s leading countries to our country, its students; It is an institution that teaches English at the mother tongue level starting from pre-school level and focuses on academic success alongside the curriculum of the Ministry of Education, and it is an institution that aims to prepare its students for a good future.
In our schools, one-to-one studies, LGS and university preparatory courses are held at no extra cost, with experienced teachers, and intensive additional studies and knowledge acquisition exams are applied in this process. Students do most of their homework in our colleges under the supervision of course teachers, which accelerates learning and makes it permanent. Since our students complete everything at school, they can spare time for their family, social, artistic and sports activities on weekends. In the recent epidemic period, distance education studies are no different from face-to-face education, as a process where artificial intelligence-based technological facilities are used extremely accurately, education-training studies continue with high efficiency and quality. In this process, the studies that support not only the exam-oriented lessons but also the cultural, sportive, artistic, social and emotional development of the students are carried out meticulously. Our education plan, which aims to raise individuals with a high understanding of art, sports and humor, enables all students to reveal their talents and potential within the individual program and approach system.
Our students have the opportunity to study abroad, foreign programs are organized for foreign language and academic development, and short and long-term trainings are provided. As a result of these trainings, our students reveal their differences in academic and business life with the certificates and certificates they receive.
In our schools, the personalized “Shadow Career Counseling” system, which is designed for students to choose the right profession at the right time, is applied to determine the interests and abilities of the students, and the goal setting and working strategy is planned individually.
Our colleges enable students to revive their interest in foreign language, mathematics, science, sports and arts, revealing their individual differences and turn to the professions they love, with the education they provide at high standards. It makes all its students feel special and valuable. The main goal of our colleges is to train their students as well-equipped individuals and to prepare them the necessary infrastructure for a good career. Our students are examined individually at our school, and they are given the habit of working according to their personal abilities and learning styles.