Dim Stream

Dim Stream is within the borders of Akçatı Village, approximately 15 km to the east of Alanya town centre. It ends a 60 km journey starting from the foothills of the Taurus Mountains by pouring into the Mediterranean at the borders of Tosmur and Kestel Neighborhoods in the south of Alanya.
The natural beauties along the valley create clean air and water that maintains coolness in summer and winter. Dim Stream is included in the tourists' travel plans coming to the district. It is an extraordinarily peaceful and enjoyable break in the middle of nature.
Many restaurants and tea gardens serve rich menu options and picnic areas on the road that runs parallel to the last parts of the stream, which can raft on a 5.5 km track in the upper parts. Especially in hot weather, spending time on platforms set up next to ice-cold water, feeling the miracles of nature right next to you in a unique atmosphere. It allows you to have a different experience. After the meal and tea break, those who wish can sleep in the resting lodges.
The region offers a wide range of activity options. In addition to rafting, you can swim in the cool waters of the stream, fish and photograph the unique nature. You can join the Jeep Safari, ATV Safari and bicycle tours organized in the region and explore the hidden beauties of the Taurus Mountains closely by hiking. When you come to Dim Stream, Dim Cave is among the places that must be visited with a bird's eye view of the valley's eastern slope.