Baranda Lake

Famous for geographical richness, Baranda Lake is within the borders of İslamlar Village, Elmalı district of Antalya, at 1500 meters from the sea. Although the road to the lake is a bit challenging, the fascinating atmosphere, with clean air and natural beauties, attracts visitors and makes them feel that all the difficulties are worth it.
In the lake's basin, which has a karstic structure, the waters of the snow fall on the high mountains in winter, and the falling rains accumulate. In addition, the side branches of the creeks flow into the lake from higher elevations.
The lake, where carp are grown, draws attention to plant diversity: Taurus cedar and juniper forests and maquis plant communities around the lake. Baranda Lake takes on an eye-catching appearance in the spring with colourful flowers.
Baranda Lake, where you can only hear the sound of nature in a peaceful and serene atmosphere, continues to welcome guests among the most beautiful colors of nature. You can spend a pleasant day on the lake, one of the favorite places of anglers, photography enthusiasts, nature walkers and camping lovers, accompanied by extraordinary views and alone with nature.