Alara (Ulugüney) Stream

It is 82 km. The long Alara (Ulugüney) Stream takes its source from Kuşakdağı and Akdağ at an altitude of 2,647 meters. The tea reaches the sea by forming the borders of Gündoğmuş - Alanya and then Alanya- Manavgat. The stream, which has a very high flow rate, offers a suitable environment for water sports.
Alara Stream Valley forms by the union of Oğuz, Çakalsakmak, Alıkpazı and Yukarıbük Streams in the southeast of the Gündoğmuş district. It serves as a gateway connecting the western part of Alanya to the interior. The region has hosted many maritime societies throughout its history. During the Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman Empire times, it was used as a stopping point for caravans on the Silk Road.
As a result of the examinations, there are fish species such as trout, eel, rainbow trout, mosquito fish, mullet, and siraz, whose presence was detected in the tea.
It is known that there were many water mills on the river in ancient times. Kemer Bridge and Ali Bridge, two of the four bridges built during the Seljuk Period, have survived today. Alara Castle and Alara Han, which have historical importance in the Alara Valley, are other vital structures to see.
When you visit the region, you can spend a pleasant and adventurous day on the rafting and canoe trails between Güzelbağ and Alara Castle, on the upper part of the Alara Stream, or you can take a delicious rest break at the fish restaurants around the stream. You can also picnic, walk, fish, and photograph nature around the Alara Stream.