Gökbel Highland

Considered among the most popular springs of Alanya with natural beauties, Gökbel Highland is surrounded by Akdağ and Sulugöl Tepe and is 140 km from Antalya and 7 km from Alanya.
The highland at an altitude of 1650 meters is known as the residence of most of the people of Kestel, which is in the Central Taurus Mountains and leaning on the Western Taurus Mountains. They still keep the Yörük culture alive during the summer months.
Gökbel Highland is one of Turkey's most important plant areas. The region's vegetation is mainly Taurus Fir, red pine, cedar, larch, predominantly pure and mixed forests, mountain meadows and steppe communities. Of the more than 600 registered flora in the region, 115 are plants native only to Turkey. The region is also the habitat of an endemic species, the Pamphylia Lizard.
Activities such as agriculture, bulbous plant breeding, animal husbandry, beekeeping and mushroom cultivation are carried out by the local people in Gökbel Highland.
With its cool, clean air and natural beauties in the summer months, the highland provides visitors with unforgettable days and hosts the traditional Gökbel Oil Pehlivan Wrestling Festival, which lasts for two days every year. During the wrestling festival, which is the scene of exciting competitions, the region's people come together in the Yörük tents set up in the market area of ​​the highland, which is livened up with concerts of famous artists and various events.
A pleasant and comfortable accommodation experience is experienced in Gökbel High, where basic needs such as electricity and drinking water are met without any problems.