Ceneviz Cove

It is approximately 91 km from Antalya. Ceneviz cove is between Olympos and Adrasan, under a steep slope.
Access to the cove, which overlooks the open sea at the foot of Mount Musa, can only be provided by boats. The cove is within the borders of Beydağları Coastal National Park and is a first-degree natural protected area. It is a natural wonder that has not lost its virginity due to the lack of access by land.
Ceneviz Cove is also called Porto Ceneviz Cove because of the castle ruins on its slope. It is known that in the years when the Genoese had a say in maritime trade, they established trade colonies in many regions, built castles on the coasts or repaired the old castle ruins.
It is said that the black soil in the interior of the cove, where tour boats usually anchor for lunch and take their guests to the shore, is good for the skin and accelerates blood circulation. That is why tourists rub the soil on their bodies and faces by diluting the soil in the sea.
The cove has a breathtakingly beautiful beach with its aquarium-clear turquoise waters, which takes on a completely different atmosphere at night. In the cove, where there is almost no natural light source around, when it gets dark, you can watch the shining stars, away from the noise and chaos, just by hearing the sound of nature.
Ceneviz Cove is one of the places worth seeing with its unique nature. It is also the habitat of the Mediterranean Monk Seal, whose extinction is under protection. It is possible to come across sea turtles while swimming in the cove, where you will discover the rich underwater life of Adrasan.
You can reach the cove where you will spend peaceful hours and enjoy all the beauties of nature by daily boat tours and private boats departing from Adrasan.