İbradı Buttoned Houses

Reflecting the unique traditional architecture of the Taurus Mountains, 'Button Houses' are among the symbols of İbradı, just like Akseki. The houses you will see in Ormana Village, the most eye-catching examples of which have a 700-year history, defy the years with the architectural secrets in their designs.
The houses prepared with local materials such as wood and stone are called 'Button' because of their architectural features. In houses usually built with two floors without using materials such as mortar or cement, the woods used to interlock and form the skeleton of the house. Since the short pieces thrown vertically on the mostly unplastered walls of the skeleton resemble a button, the houses were called 'Buttoned' (Pişduvan) by the local people over time. With the harmonious combination of stone and wood accompanied by gardens, houses become much more attractive.
Buttoned Houses are resistant to earthquakes thanks to their robustness and can survive for many years. They are constantly breathing due to the natural materials used in their construction. Thanks to the airflow inside, they stay cool in summers and warm in winters.
About 300 Buttoned Houses, some of which have been restored, are waiting for their guests in Ormana, a Cultural Village. Please do not leave the region without visiting this charming village with the natural beauty and atmosphere that smells of history.